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Finding Your Story's Voice: A My Fugitive Case Study

Part of the Double Exposure Investigative Film Festival and Symposium

Non-fiction investigative stories are a long journey. Not just a journey of developing content, but of shaping the story and its form. Using the decade-long project, My Fugitive as a case study, Emmy Award-winning documentarian Nina Gilden Seavey delves into the metamorphosis of this series to reveal how we, as reporters and documentarians, can employ our visual, auditory, and narrative skills to best serve our projects.

Structured as an Interactive Masterclass, this session will explore the ideal form and format for your project and how to best develop your assets to play to its content, and narrative and creative strengths. This session will present My Fugitive as an object lesson in exploring non-fiction storytelling – revealing the highs and the lows of this series’ evolution. Participants are encouraged to listen to at least one of the 8-part podcast episodes prior to attending this session. Available on Apple Podcasts or you can download the series wherever you get your podcasts.

Now for the “interactive” part of this Interactive Masterclass! We invite you to bring your own idea or work-in-project brief. Five projects will be selected for the round-table discussion as we, as reporters and storytellers, seek to learn from one another. If your project is chosen you will make a one-minute pitch that will allow for group feedback into potential avenues to “Finding the Voice” for your project.

October 24

Indivisible Ohio: My Fugitive