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Podcast Storytelling

This workshop is intended as a soup-to-nuts overview of podcasting

Podcasting is red hot on the media landscape. There are currently 2 million podcasts in release and the listenership for this format has exploded - nearly 6 in 10 American consumers over the age of 12 have listened to a podcast. Podcasts are interesting, accessible 24/7, and totally mobile. Best of all, podcasts are perfect for non-fiction storytelling.

This 90-minute workshop is Intended as a soup-to-nuts overview of podcasting. We will discuss how to conceive, produce and distribute a podcast. What makes a great podcast? What kinds of stories are “podcast stories?” How can you turn your story into a podcast? Do you have what it takes to produce it? Join us and find out!

February 16

Maine Media Workshop: Documentary Development

May 21

The Story of Howard Mechanic and Other Tales of Government Repression in St. Louis