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Moldox Lab: Investigative Documentary Workshop

Investigative Documentary Workshop

The Investigative Doc workshop is designed to assist local journalists and film directors who want to develop and transpose journalistic investigations on the film screen. Participants will learn to use documentary techniques in investigative journalism to create compelling and resonant documentaries for our society, along with big names in the global documentary film industry, such as Nina Seavey Gilden (USA) – documentary filmmaker, podcaster, and Research Professor in History and Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University; winner of the Emmy Award for Best Research for the documentary “A Paralyzing Fear: The Story of Polio in America” (1998) and David France (USA) – director of the Oscar-nominated documentary “How to Survive a Plague” and “Welcome to Chechnya”.

December 7

Podcast Storytelling

February 16

Maine Media Workshop: Documentary Development