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Podcast Storytelling

Presented by Docs in Progress

Podcasting is red hot on the media landscape. There are currently 2 million podcasts in release and the listenership for this format has exploded - nearly 6 in 10 American consumers over the age of 12 have listened to a podcast. Podcasts are interesting, accessible 24/7, and totally mobile. Best of all, podcasts are perfect for non-fiction storytelling.

This 90-minute workshop is Intended as a soup-to-nuts overview of podcasting. We will discuss how to conceive, produce and distribute a podcast. What makes a great podcast? What kinds of stories are “podcast stories?” How can you turn your story into a podcast? Do you have what it takes to produce it? Join us and find out!

Workshop participants are encouraged to listen to at least one episode of Seavey’s latest podcast My Fugitive as she will use example from that series. You can find it on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

November 13

St. Louis International Film Festival: My Fugitive

January 18

Moldox Lab: Investigative Documentary Workshop